Spring is upon us, which means it’s time to freshen up our homes with spring cleaning. Start with de-cluttering and organizing – cleaning will be a lot easier when the clutter is gone. Spring is a great time to plan a garage sale or to donate items you no longer need or want. Here are […]
Carpet provides comfort and visual appeal for your home but it may be time consuming, and even difficult, to clean. However, carpet is not that difficult to clean with the right tools, products, and know-how! While there are general carpet cleaning guidelines, the specific type of carpet fiber and backing of the carpet you have […]
Gift-giving season is just around the corner – so if you are looking for the best office gifts but feel overwhelmed or are unsure what to get, this guide will help you find something thoughtful without going overboard or getting too personal. We’ve put together some ideas for gifts that an entire office would enjoy, […]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year and, for many, this can also be one of the most stressful times of the year. With all the gift-buying, traffic-navigating, cooking, cleaning, decorating, parties, travel and more – slowly but surely, the holidays can start to feel more like hard work than time off for […]