
Keeping Your Air Ducts Clean Is Extremely Important! Here’s why!

Air ducts ensure that the air in your building is clean, and at optimal temperature and humidity levels. But what happens when those air ducts get neglected? Failing to maintain HVAC systems has become one of the most common problems for workplace indoor environmental quality. Here are just a few reasons why your workplace needs proper and regular cleaning for your HVAC systems. You should always hire a professional who has the proper certifications for cleaning HVAC systems.

First, it is important to clean your air ducts regularly because of mold growth that can form on the outside surface of the ducts. Mold can spread very quickly and greatly diminish the air quality of your facility. One way you can prevent this is to not only clean it on a regular basis, but to also replace the air filter every three months. You can also run a dehumidifier or insulate your air ducts to prevent future mold growth from spreading around your air ducts.

Furthermore, it is important to clean your ducts because they can become clogged with excessive dust and debris on the inside. Your registers will release dirt and debris, which can diminish the air flow within your ducts. Failure to clean the inside part of your ducts can also result in an infestation of vermin or other pesky creatures you do not want inside your facility. This can also become a health and safety hazard.

Not only is keeping your air ducts clean vital to preventing mold, rodents, dirt and debris from forming but will also save you massive amounts of money on your energy bill. According to the Department of Energy, 25 to 40 percent of energy used in forced air systems is wasted. When contaminants build up in an HVAC system it will cause the system to work harder than it should. Over the course of time, this will weaken your system. You will save thousands of dollars over a lifetime by making sure it is regularly cleaned.

Keeping your air ducts clean will reduce dirt, mold, debris and save you money! Clean air is one of the biggest assets you can have in your business or household because it will ensure that your employees or loved ones will not be breathing in harmful toxins or contaminants. Always make sure that the duct cleaner you hire performs a full inspection before cleaning.